Anita Roddick
b. October 23, 1942
d. September 10, 2007

This British entrepreneur wrote in her 1991 autobiography Body and Soul that she first tried pot with an American while on a hitchhiking trip in Israel. “One night he produced some marijuana and told me it would change my life, alter my state of consciousness,” she wrote. “ Not me, I thought. I had a few whiffs, got a bit giggly and quite enjoyed it, but that was about it.”

Roddick founded The Body Shop in Brighton, England in 1976, expanding it to 2,100 branches in 55 countries. She added hemp oil to her eco-friendly body products line in the 1990s . When her hemp promotional products were seized in France in 1998, she said, "You’d have to smoke a hemp joint the size of a telephone pole to get the least buzz.”

In 2003, Roddick was made a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire. In 2007, she revealed that she had Hepatitis C, the result of a blood transfusion after the 1971 birth of her younger daughter. She died later that year of a brain hemmorage.

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