b. July 9, 1964
On January 28, 2004 Courtney Love and crew at Kansas City's 965thebuzz.com interviewed Very Important Potheads, demanding to know why she wasn't represented on the site. "I'm Courtney Love, damnit!" was the compelling reason she gave, so here she is.
Love not only founded the breakthrough band Hole, she co-starred in Sid & Nancy and The Trial of Larry Flint with VIP Woody Harrelson (who had to go to bat for Love when producers considered her too risky for the project. Harrelson argued the movie wouldn't be the same without her, and we agree.)
Love was recently detained for supposed prescription drug abuse and several observers noted that Rush Limbaugh got off easier than Love. She confirmed on the air what was revealed in the Kurt Cobain diaries published in Rolling Stone after his death: that he twice went back to using heroin to quell the severe stomach pain he suffered from. Love said, "Yes that was true and I used to say, Kurt let's just smoke instead." Apparently Cobain was one of the millions of Americans undermedicated for pain and he turned to street drugs instead. If he were alive today he'd probably be in rehab with Limbaugh.
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